Our Blog
Latest news, updates and boudoir session tips

Denver Paint Photography: Creating New Art!
It is easy to fall into rhythm and comfort when we create art and our goal is to keep our work fresh and inspired. So the question then is how do we continue to grow, to challenge ourselves, and continually fall in love with our craft? One of our favorite

7 Best Songs for Boudoir Photo Shoots
There is a moment in many of our shoots when I pull the camera down from my eye because something is not right. Something is off. Our client looks up and knows not all is right. There is no music. It has stopped, or god forbid, we did not start

5 Things that Happen When Married Photographers Step In Front of Camera
We moved back to Denver in 2015, a return home that was 10 years in the making. We survived 10 Texas summers. We got past the Great Recession in 2008: Tyler was in Denver interviewing on October 15th for a job that would bring us back home, the same day

Denver Modeling Comp Cards: Krista
In addition to our client’s headshots our last session also focused on putting together modeling comp cards. Denver Modeling: What is a comp card? The comp (composite) card is the models business card. It is a marketing tool that demonstrates the various looks, genres, personalities, and range for the model.

Denver Headshots Session: Krista
We had a Denver headshots session last week as part of a personal branding session. Colorado’s film and TV industry continues to grow along with the population trajectory and with it comes the need for clients to demonstrate the various characters and roles they want to portray. Our core values

Vulnerability Series: Helping Others
This is the final part in our three-part Creative Vulnerability Series. We’ve discussed vulnerability with ourselves. We’ve discussed vulnerability with the people most important to us. Finally, we are going to discuss how we help others be vulnerable themselves. Because we believe that in addition to changing the self-talk that

Vulnerability Series: Vulnerable Relationships
As much as we’d like to believe that 4-6 hours with us is sufficient to teach healthy vulnerability, we are not that deluded. We are a part of your personal narrative – for which we are honored – however, your immediate circle of friends and family are far more substantial.

Vulnerability Series: Loving Yourself
This is Part One of our Vulnerability Series. We talk a lot about expectations with our clients. It is a focus of ours during the consultation so our clients – particularly those who have never worked with us, scheduled a shoot for themselves, or been in front of camera –

Creative Vulnerability Series
We have three daughters and we are consistently struck by the number of discussions we have with them that cross-over to the discussions we have with clients. Vulnerability is one of the biggest topics and is one we see time and again as a stumbling block to both our daughters

Nailing Exposure
We will be holding another “Nailing Exposure” workshop this month. It is one of our most popular workshops and encourages anybody holding a camera to move away from the “Automatic” setting, because taking control of your camera means you’re taking control of your creative expression. This can be daunting: today’s
Set the mood with a banging playlist.
It’s going to be a game changer. We promise.